
I think I need a holiday.  In the way the word is used in Europe.  In other words, a vacation.

I’m not really sure what to do or where to go, but I need to get away.  I feel like my priorities are out of whack, I need to go somewhere and clear my head.  It’s not like I’m incredibly stressed out either, I just need some perspective.  Somewhere new….new people, new things to do.  I guess I feel like I’m in a rut.  Somebody get me out of this rut!

Scary Movie – Part 3 & 4

We accidentally watched a mini-series movie.  So it had to be broken up over a couple of nights.  It was called “Salem’s Lot.”

In my opinion, it was pretty dumb.  The scariest part was when a toaster popped out toast without provocation.  Seriously, that was the only part I jumped at.  It was almost unnecessary to hide my face behind a pillow!  Huzzah!

More than anything it was funny.  Mainly because it was so incredibly predictable.

I will say that Donald Sutherland was incredibly creepy and ridiculous.  If you watch the video below, skip ahead to about the 8 minute mark and you’ll see what I mean.

He may look harmless, but in this movie he was psychotic.  I’ve never seen him behave so bizarrely.  Usually he’s the lovable Dad, or some sophisticated persona in the roles I’ve seen him in.  This was altogether a creepy performance by Mr. Sutherland.  He was probably the best actor in it too.  No offense Rob Lowe.

So that one was kind of a dud, but hopefully we’ll be able to rev it up with the next one.  I’m sorry, but I have no idea how many parts there will be to this Scary Movie saga.  As many as we can fit in I guess!

In other news, I made pumpkin whoopie pies last night.  They are bite size, and dangerous.  They have a cinnamon cream cheese filling, and are just so yummy.  I need to pawn them off on other people so that I don’t eat them all.  Any takers?

Scary Movie Night – Part 2

I’m rather impressed with myself — I remembered to continue my series of posts!  I always set out to cover a certain topic more than once, and then I rarely do.  Woo hoo!  I’ve made it to at least 2 posts about the same thing!

Self congratulation aside, I watched another “scary movie” last night.  This is only an October thing, mind you.  So this series of posts can’t last too much longer.  Anywho, we’re on a roll.  Last night’s foray into the scare genre was “Paranormal Activity.”

I was prepared to be super scared.  The limited amount I had heard from other people concerning this movie was that, in fact, it was quite scary.  I don’t think it lived up to the hype.  Yes, I was holding a pillow again, but it was not blocking my line of vision hardly at all.  There were very few moments in which I felt the need to cover my face.  That is saying something.  It was actually very slow moving, and I think all the hype just built it up in my mind to be so much worse than it was.  In reality, it was a suburban couple being haunted and deciding to film it.  The scary stuff didn’t start happening until like the last 10 minutes of the movie.  I was more concerned with the fact that this girl’s boyfriend was totally insensitive to the fact that she had a demon following her around.  They were warned, a ghost expert told them she had a demon.  Conveniently for the movie, he also told them it wouldn’t matter where they went because the demon was attached to her.  If I have a demon following me around, my future boyfriend better be doing something to protect me, not doing things to cause the demon to get mad and possess me.  That ends well for no one.

No nightmares last night either!  Woo hoo!

My day is starting out pretty well, by the way.  I treated myself to a hazelnut soy latte, and was thereby treated to a sighting of KC’s own George Brett at my favorite coffee house.  I’m such a nerd.  Plus, my good friend Weirdo turned me on to this song called “Shake it Out” by Florence and the Machine.  Take a listen, and have a great Friday!