
I am on FIRE today!  I’ve been needing to get my current car ready to sell, so I got it all cleaned out and posted for sale on Craigslist.  Now I just need someone to bite.  I’ve also been attempting to get the family “game” closet cleaned up and organized for a while.  I started on it yesterday, and realized it was going to take a lot longer than I anticipated.  There’s just a lot of stuff in there.  I would put money on it that this closet hasn’t been cleaned out…ever.  I think it became like a proverbial junk drawer, except it’s an entire closet.  It was quite the treasure trove.  I even went to Wal-Mart and got some organizational plastic tubs to make this closet even more beautiful.

The bulk of the clutter in this closet is due to years and years worth of crafting projects.  Our family is pretty crafty, and my mom used to be very into sewing, and cross-stitch, and dabbled in quilting.  She was also an elementary school teacher and substitute, so she had a wealth of colored paper, water colors, markers, puffy paints, and things that little kids like to craft with.  Partly, my need to clean out this behemoth closet is selfish.  I have started a bunch of crafting projects, and it would be really nice if there was space in this closet for all the little supplies I am accumulating in the process.  Plus, I am a big fan of being organized and taking on challenges.  Combine the two, and you have a little slice of heaven in this closet.

Total, I think it took me about 5 hours to complete this task.  I now know exactly what is in this closet, and where it is.  I’ve also been rewarded with some new crafting ideas, based on several half-started projects.  By the way, I have completed my ornament wreath.

I think I am going to have to hang it at my office.  It’s a little too bulky for our front door, if we want the storm door to shut.  Oh well, I think it will bring some nice holiday cheer to the office, and all the clients that will be coming in over the holidays.

Now I am starting on projects that I can give to other people.  I’d tell you what they are, but I think I’ll wait til after the holidays so I don’t spoil any surprises.  I’ve got a bunch of trash to take out right now anyway.


Cold Weather = Fire

I am proud to say I built that fire.  With my own two hands.  It took a little doing, and fairly soon I’m going to have to put some more wood in there.  Building fires (in fireplaces), and enjoying their warmth on a chilly evening might be one of my favorite pastimes.  It’s not a very good picture, but it is a good fire.

If you can’t tell, there are also a few xmas decorations in that picture.  Basically, the house exploded with christmas fever yesterday.  I’m pretty impressed with our early enthusiasm, we’re sticking with the Jones’s this year!  Granted, the tree isn’t totally put together yet, but it’s a work in progress.

Thanksgiving was delicious.  Just a side note.


Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving is almost upon us!  Quickly, make the stuffing, set out the decorative gourds!!

Wait wait, stop.  Calm down.

Thanksgiving can generally be classified as one of my favorite holidays.  For many and varied reasons, some of which have to do with the decadent feasting fare.  However, setting the feasting portion aside, it’s also a time for giving thanks, which is all too seldom forgotten or dispensed with prematurely.  That may have made no sense, but please, bear with me.

So, to put myself in the right frame of mind for the impending holiday and all that goes with it, here is a short list of what I am thankful for this year:

1.  The color red.   It is the color of my face whenever I am embarrassed, or nervous, or hot.  It is also my personal favorite on the color wheel, because it is bold and bright and takes no prisoners.

2.  My family.  I guess this should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyway: family includes my friends.

3.  Pandora.  I don’t know what I would do without it at work.  It makes the pleadings and various chores I have to do so much more bearable!  let alone introducing me to all sorts of wonderful new artists.  Tis a beautiful thing.

4.  Lincoln, NE.  This one is weird, I’ll give you that.  The color red was totally reasonable, but this one is pretty out there.  This one makes the list because it recently became a place for me to get away when I started to have claustrophobia in the big city I’m currently living in.  It may be counter intuitive to go to a smaller place to feel like you can breathe, but go with what works!

5.  Patient Clients.  Oh the joy of a client who understands that they are not the only client you have, and in fact gives you encouragement.  That may be partly due to most of them knowing I just started practicing, so I have a little more wiggle room.  It is the nicest thing ever though when a client is able to put their own case in perspective!

6.  Flowers.  A couple times this year, I was surprised with flowers on random days that were not anywhere near to a holiday.  What a joy that is.  Whenever that happens, it is impossible to do anything but smile for the rest of the day.

7.  Pie.  Mostly, what I am thankful for in regard to pie is the creative outlet it has provided me with.  I never would have guessed I could be so passionate about something so simple.  Although they require a bit of patience, they are always worth the effort.

8.  Pinterest.  Love it.

Ok, that is enough for now.  This could go on and on.