
Thinking about transitioning my old blog into a new one. My last blog post was from 5 years ago. A lot has happened in 5 years. Probably the biggest difference being that I have slightly more sure footing when it comes to my career. I’ve been a practicing divorce attorney for 11 years now. In that span of time, I’ve started to have fairly strong opinions about how our legal system is set up when it comes to treatment of our relationships. Our relationships to each other and our relationships to our children. The legal system is broken in so many ways, and the way it handles the complexity of relationships may be the most broken aspect of all.

I’ve thought about this for a while. Writing about what I’ve discovered as I’ve been helping families navigate some of the most devastating life events. In some ways, because I think it might help others to hear my perspective, but probably more so in how it would help me process a lot of the difficulties my clients go through.

Some ideas for topics I’ve had — my thoughts on the protection from stalking/protection from abuse system; what unmarried parents need to know; the complexity of child support; the aspects of marriage that deserve more consideration before people get married; pet peeves of a divorce attorney; just what exactly is “Discovery.”

So I’ve got a few things I can ramble about. Now I need to think of a good name for the blog. I was thinking like, “In Summary” or “Objection; Relevance” or “Family and the Law”

The name still needs quite a bit of work. Gonna have to think on that.