Symbolic Crossings

For anyone who was anticipating my “year in review: part 2”, I’m sorry to disappoint, but I decided not to do that.  It is now 2014, the second week of 2014 in fact, so onward and upward!  With any luck, my year in review for 2014 will be even more epic.

Today’s topic concerns some creatures that have crossed my path in the last few days.  Over the weekend, a bald eagle flew over my path, and was beautiful.  I was driving, so I couldn’t take a picture.  This evening, a fox crossed my path and I became very afraid I would run him (or her) over, because once again I was driving.  Again, no picture.  I was at the zoo yesterday, but that is not where I saw either of these animals, and fortunately none of those animals crossed my path, or I would probably be hospitalized or dead.

Anywho…can you tell it’s the end of a work day?  My thoughts are incredibly jumbled right now.  Where was I…oh yeah, symbolism!  For some reason, seeing the fox this evening got me thinking  — am I seeing these animals for a reason?  The obvious answer is “no.”  The more fun answer is that these animals are harbingers of hidden messages to me personally.  Does it make sense?  No.  Is it a lot more fun to think about?  Yes.  I’m going with the more fun answer.

In googling “eagle symbolism,”  I had to wade through a few sites dedicated to the bald-eagle-represents-America-hell-yeah type fare before finding  According to this site, “When an eagle appears, you are on notice to be courageous and stretch your limits.  Do not accept the status quo, but rather reach higher and become more than you believe you are capable of.  Look at things from a new, higher perspective.  Be patient with the present; know that the future holds possibilities that you may not yet be able to see.  You are about to take flight.”

That…is pretty frickin’ sweet.

Here’s what the fox says (please laugh at my stupid last year’s reference joke):  “If a fox has made her appearance in your life, [interesting that the wrote “her”] the solution to a problem is at hand.  The fox spirit is the grand problem solver.  She will guide you to solitude and silence until the way out is shown.”  Credit to

Now if I could only identify what the problem is I will be solving…

Seriously though, this kind of thinking is line with what Native Americans attributed to various animals.  I’ve always admired Native American culture, so I suppose that’s why I occasionally wonder if there is some meaning behind random animals popping up in my life.  Based on the eagle and the fox, it looks like I’m going to be pretty stressed out in the near future by all my courageous activity (eagle), but I’ll figure it out in the end (fox).  This simplistic take-away brought to you by your friendly happenstance blogger.

I do hope some of it is true, and that there are some big changes for me just around the corner.  I didn’t make any specific new year’s resolutions, but I think they are along the lines of the bald eagle’s guidelines — be better, reach farther, and strive to be more than you are comfortable with.

Happy new year everyone!