
My blog has this handy-dandy little dashboard, as I am sure most blogs do, and it has a little tracker for how many visitors your site receives each day.  I normally don’t pay much attention, but happened to look just before embarking on this new post, to shockingly find that there is at least one person checking this blog each day.  I only hope that it is not the same person checking back each day only to be disappointed to find that I still haven’t updated the world on my life.  If it is the same person, here is your reward: a new post!!

This weekend, I had what I like to call a burst.  Normally, a burst involves me getting a quick surge of energy that allows me to take on one or two cleaning tasks before it is over and I go back to not cleaning at all.  Starting Saturday morning, and ending about ten minutes ago, I experienced a prolonged burst and virtually cleaned my house top to bottom.  Many times, my bursts will lead me to do more superficial cleaning, such as a quick vacuum, with maybe a little swiffering.  This time though, I was doing things like moving furniture out of the way and vacuuming underneath the area rugs, getting a damp rag and actually sweeping out dust bunnies from behind and underneath furniture, breaking out the silver polish and polishing the silver trays used for decoration, wiping down the windowsills, cleaning the sink with comet…in other words, I completely lost my mind.  And no, I will not come clean your house too.  I’m not sure I did that great of a job, but it feels so much better in this house.  You can smell the clean.

Today, after pruning my tomato plants, I decided to take on my bathroom.  This bathroom has a closet in it that was full to the brim with items that should have been thrown away long ago but instead were piled up, probably for at least the last 15 years.  So, I rolled up my sleeves, pulled on my gas mask (not really, but I probably should have), and dove in.  I threw away a loooooot of stuff.  I folded towels and organized them by size.  I vacummed the floor of that closet.  I should have taken before and after pictures.  It is kind of amazing.  I also decided to go ahead and bleach the hell out of my shower.  Once again, my house smells wonderfully clean.  All these cleaning products ravaged my hands though.

Anyway, in most respects I was incredibly boring this weekend.  However, I feel like I accomplished a lot, and I absolutely love being in a clean home.  I just wish I was better at maintaining it.  I also found time yesterday to make these sugar cookie brownie thingies.  They are SO good.  I really shouldn’t have made them, but I saw them on pinterest and just couldn’t help myself.

A friend of mine had a revelation earlier in the week that I thought I should pass along to you all.  The lead singer of the band Fun. used to be part of the band The Format.  Mind blown: