Juror du Jour

Two weeks ago, I had the honor of serving on a Federal Jury panel.  Many of my friends had the same reaction to that news that I did, which was “I thought lawyers couldn’t/wouldn’t ever be on a jury?!”  I have certainly proved that to be a myth.  So if you’re going to law school to forever avoid jury duty, you should really re-think your life choices.

I will say, without an iota of sarcasm, that I truly enjoyed my time on the jury.  It was a very interesting case, and I really enjoyed getting to know my fellow jurors.  We were a jury of 8 (we found out later that number derived from federal budget shortages), and we got along famously.  Not to sound condescending in any way, but I also was very impressed with my fellow jurors.  They all paid attention and scrupulously took notes throughout the four day trial, and heeded all of the judge’s instructions.  They were also very diplomatic in their discussions once we were ready to deliberate.  I geeked out a little over how great their participation was.

For me, the whole thing felt like a surreal law-school type exercise.  The myth about lawyers not being on juries derives from the idea that no lawyer would ever want another lawyer on their jury panel — mainly because a lawyer should potentially have a better understanding of the law than his fellow jurors and may therefore draw conclusions prematurely or influence the other jurors unfairly with his prior knowledge of the subject.  I can’t speak for my fellow jurors, but I truly believe the decision we reached was the result of a collective discussion, hardly any of which had to do with any of my own prior knowledge.  It was fairly difficult for me not to reach my own conclusions before we were set free to deliberate, but I did my best.

The best part for me was getting to talk to the attorneys and the judge afterward.  For one thing, this judge is a sitting judge on one of my cases, so I was fascinated to see how he operates.  For another thing, how often do you get the chance to tell a lawyer what you thought of his/her performance?  Well, maybe some of you more often than others, but this seemed like a rare opportunity at the time.  The lawyers wanted feedback on what kinds of things they did were effective or not, and overall what we thought.  It is amazing what kinds of little things people pick up on, or how one gesture or inflection can totally alienate someone or make them think you’re a total jerk.  The judge stuck around to moderate this event, and I thought it was extremely beneficial.

It was a really good experience, and I encourage all of you not to get frustrated when/if called for jury duty.  Yes, it is a bit of an inconvenience when looking at things in the short-term, but it is the long-term that counts.  Okay, I’m getting sappy, so I’ll stop now.


No, I did not misspell the title.  Yes, I might have made up a word.  Get over it my friend, and get into the idea of being “pro” procrastination!

Putting things off is, in most circles, considered to be a less than ideal way of living your life.  There are all sorts of adages about this, most notably “never put off til tomorrow what can be done today.”  Today, I am a fan of the opposite: “never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.”  Not that I haven’t gotten anything done today, quite the contrary.  This is a more specific sort of procrastination.

I have volunteered to be head chef for my family’s Thanksgiving.  I am nervous about this undertaking, considering that we will have a decent crowd.  There’s a lot to live up to in my family when it comes to Turkey Day.  I think I have the pie thing down, but I am somewhat stumped in terms of actually cooking the bird.  Plus, everyone likes different sides.  I want to make sure there are the staples, like mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, and so forth, with a few healthy items thrown in for good measure.  What I am procrastinating on is actually committing to a menu.  It would help in so many ways, get me organized and such, but I just won’t do it.  At least not until next weekend probably.  Or maybe the middle of the week.  Actually, I’m working my way up to it now.

On a completely different track, I made these pumpkin doughnut muffins this morning.  They were as good as they sound.  Pics are on my pinterest under “Recipes Galore.”

I just realized a much more interesting post would be about my recent jury experience.  Whelp, I guess that’ll have to wait til next time!  Stay tuned my friends!