Driven to Distraction

Have you ever heard that phrase?  Well if you haven’t, today’s your lucky day.  You get a new idiom to insert into your vocabulary!  Be sure to use it multiple times this weekend.  Basically, it means something causes you to be unable to think or work.  Another interesting definition I found was “to make someone very angry or very bored.”  I like that it can mean two different emotions that are almost polar opposites.  I am using the phrase in sort of a combination.  Here’s the conundrum, my work is causing me to be unable to think, and is making me very angry and bored.  Think it over, but not too hard.  I’m pretty sure it doesn’t make any sense.  Don’t worry, I’m used to it, and you don’t need to call me a doctor.  I’m ok…I think.

Anyway, in pursuit of utilizing my state of distraction, I thought I’d do a sequel to a post I did a long time ago.  It was fun, and I really enjoyed making it, so why not do it again?!

The following is a list of some songs that I have been rocking out to lately.  I’ll explain more as we go along.  Let’s start things slow:

This just makes me happy.  It’s also incredibly apropos for the impending new year.  So happy I stumbled across this one.  Sometimes I like to vicariously live through Zooey Deschanel, especially when she does fun things like that.  I wish I could pull off her bangs.

When listening to the above, try not to watch the video.  It’s super weird.  I don’t get it.  So close your eyes, and get lost in the song.  I’m not ashamed to admit I first heard this song on the show “Glee.”  I do wish I had heard it before that though.  That song strikes a chord in me…the drum beats pump me up!!

Makes me want to put on a hoodie and sunglasses for some reason.  Oh yeah, it’s because I’m amazing 😉

WARNING: Do not watch the following video if you don’t want to see a bunch of guys in speedos.  You’ve been warned.

I can’t help it, that song makes me laugh and want to dance.  Especially the “wiggle” part.  Although, admittedly, I hadn’t seen that video until just a moment ago.  I’m now not quite as fond of that part.

This song makes me melt.  I don’t know if the premise behind it is true, but I really hope it is.  Also, that video is awesome.  I wonder how long it took them to film that.

I am in love with the Avett Brothers.  This band speaks to my soul.  Okay, that might be a little too heavy, but still.  I’m pretty sure I could be locked in a room just listening to them all day and be perfectly content.  Please do not lock me in a room though.  Makes me feel claustrophobic just thinking about it.

I like this song, but this video is hilarious.  Oh Scrubs, you were great.  The lead singer seems a little crazy.  And I like it.

Okay, I know the above seems a little morbid, but I just love that song.  I’m not much for country in general, and after attempting to listen to some other songs by this band decided that for me, they are a one hit wonder.  There’s just something about it that speaks to me.  It’s kind of got the “O Brother Where Art Thou” quality to it.  If you’re not familiar with that movie, you need to rent it ASAP.

That should do it for now.  My distraction is waning, and my anxiety over things unfinished is increasing.  Job well done!

Have a happy New Year’s Eve everyone!




Bar Prep Take 2

I know you all will be as thrilled as I am to know that I will be studying for the Bar Exam again!  In the summer of 2010 I embarked on my first studying marathon for the Colorado Bar.  I was an emotional wreck pretty much the whole summer and barely posted on this thing, and if I did it was only to refer to the nightmares that I was having, all centered around the bar exam prep questions that were plaguing me at the time.  Either that, or they were short statements of how much cognitive agony I was in.

After all that, I passed the Colorado Bar.  I was just as amazed as you were, I’m sure.

In a twist of fate, and what I’m sure is a twisted sense of humor on the part of whatever higher power looks down on us, I am taking another Bar Exam.  The Kansas Bar Exam to be exact.  There are many and varied reasons for my choice to take this exam, but those are irrelevant at the moment.  The point is that I am taking it, and it is at the end of February.  I started studying today.

So basically, this is my preemptory apology to those of you that I will disappear from over the next couple of months.  It’s not personal.  This is also an apology to those who actually care about what I write on here.  This post could very well be the last one for a while that makes any sort of sense, as soon I will once again be devoting nearly every waking hour to studying the ins and outs of the law.  Such a task drives even the most balanced of us off our rockers.

Have no fear though.  This too shall pass.  By the time I am finished, the winter will be subsiding (hopefully), and we will be well on our way to much more daylight.  Just think of me as a hibernating bear.  For most of the winter, I will be holed up in my cave, and I hate to admit I will probably bite your head off if you disturb me.  I don’t know if bears cry, but I will probably also be doing that quite a bit.

All I ask is that you send good vibes my way.  Should you happen to think of me, couple it with a thought of “She WILL pass the Kansas Bar!”  I’m pretty sure I’ll feel that, and that it really will help me pass.  A foundation of support is essential in this endeavor, and I am blessed to have so many great cheerleaders in my life.

So apologies, and thank you’s in advance.  I’ll see you in March.


I am on FIRE today!  I’ve been needing to get my current car ready to sell, so I got it all cleaned out and posted for sale on Craigslist.  Now I just need someone to bite.  I’ve also been attempting to get the family “game” closet cleaned up and organized for a while.  I started on it yesterday, and realized it was going to take a lot longer than I anticipated.  There’s just a lot of stuff in there.  I would put money on it that this closet hasn’t been cleaned out…ever.  I think it became like a proverbial junk drawer, except it’s an entire closet.  It was quite the treasure trove.  I even went to Wal-Mart and got some organizational plastic tubs to make this closet even more beautiful.

The bulk of the clutter in this closet is due to years and years worth of crafting projects.  Our family is pretty crafty, and my mom used to be very into sewing, and cross-stitch, and dabbled in quilting.  She was also an elementary school teacher and substitute, so she had a wealth of colored paper, water colors, markers, puffy paints, and things that little kids like to craft with.  Partly, my need to clean out this behemoth closet is selfish.  I have started a bunch of crafting projects, and it would be really nice if there was space in this closet for all the little supplies I am accumulating in the process.  Plus, I am a big fan of being organized and taking on challenges.  Combine the two, and you have a little slice of heaven in this closet.

Total, I think it took me about 5 hours to complete this task.  I now know exactly what is in this closet, and where it is.  I’ve also been rewarded with some new crafting ideas, based on several half-started projects.  By the way, I have completed my ornament wreath.

I think I am going to have to hang it at my office.  It’s a little too bulky for our front door, if we want the storm door to shut.  Oh well, I think it will bring some nice holiday cheer to the office, and all the clients that will be coming in over the holidays.

Now I am starting on projects that I can give to other people.  I’d tell you what they are, but I think I’ll wait til after the holidays so I don’t spoil any surprises.  I’ve got a bunch of trash to take out right now anyway.